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Monte seu LAB de novas funções do Windows Server 8 Beta

E lá vem o Windows Server 8 Beta, com uma penca de novidades!
Agora começa a nossa luta para estudar todos esses novos benefícios e funções. Esse post tem, praticamente, toda documentação necessária para você poder montar o seu laboratório e testar cada recurso novo.
Primeiro, começe realizando o setup de seu ambiente:
http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=29010 (configuração base)
A maioria dos LABs você consegue fazer só com esse setup acima. Porém alguns LABs necessitam de configurações adicionais, que você encontra abaixo:

http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/7861.windows-server-8-beta-base-configuration-test-lab-optional-mini-module-second-corpnet-subnet.aspx (corpnet subnet)
http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/7863.windows-server-8-beta-base-configuration-test-lab-optional-mini-module-homenet-subnet.aspx (homenet subnet)
http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/7862.windows-server-8-beta-base-configuration-test-lab-optional-mini-module-basic-pki.aspx (opcional: PKI)
Depois do setup pronto, agora pode iniciar os testes:

E não para por aí! Depois dê uma olhada nesses ótimos papers:
Understand and Troubleshoot Activation Technologies in Windows Server “8” Beta
Understand and Troubleshoot AD DS Simplified Administration in Windows Server “8” Beta
Understand and Troubleshoot BitLocker in Windows Server “8” Beta

Understand and Troubleshoot Cluster-Aware Updating (CAU) in Windows Server “8” Beta
Understand and Troubleshoot DHCP Failover in Windows Server “8” Beta
Understand and Troubleshoot DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) in Windows Server “8” Beta
Understand and Troubleshoot Dynamic Access Control
Understand and Troubleshoot High Availability Printing in Windows “8” Beta
Understand and Troubleshoot Hyper-V Replica in Windows Server “8” Beta
Understand and Troubleshoot IP Address Management (IPAM) in Windows Server “8” Beta
Understand and Troubleshoot Microsoft Online Backup Service in Windows Server “8” Beta
Understand and Troubleshoot Printing in Windows Server “8” Beta
Understand and Troubleshoot Remote Access in Windows Server “8” Beta
Understand and Troubleshoot Remote Desktop Services Desktop Virtualization in Windows Server “8” Beta
Understand and Troubleshoot Remote Desktop Services in Windows Server “8” Beta
Understand and Troubleshoot Scale-Out File Servers in Windows Server “8” Beta
Understand and Troubleshoot Servicing in Windows Server “8” Beta
Understand and Troubleshoot Storage Spaces and Pools in Windows Server “8” Beta 
Understand and Troubleshoot Virtualized Domain Controller (VDC) in Windows Server “8” Beta

➤ Conheça nosso programa de assinatura: https://cursos.bernardes.com.br/bexpert-cooperati


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