Instalando Squid no roteador TL-WR1043ND com DD-WRT
Bem, finalmente chegamos no ponto que a maioria tem pedido para ver, a instalação do Squid no roteador. O processo é simples, apenas temos que fazer uns passos adicionais que o sistema não executa sozinho como nas instalações de distribuições Linux comuns, mas podemos ter um proxy com cache, controle de páginas e até autenticação se for necessário.
Vamos acessar nosso roteador pelo SSH:
# ssh [email protected]
Primeiro vamos atualizar o Opkg e instalar o Squid:
root@router root $ opkg update
Updated list of available packages in /tmp/var/opkg-lists/snapshots.
root@router root $
root@router root $ opkg install squid
Veja na figura abaixo:
A versão instalado é o Squid 2.7, os módulos de autenticação não são instalados por padrão, por isso se você necessitar habilitar a autenticação é preciso instalar os módulos separadamente, eles são:
squid-mod-basic-auth-getpwnam – 2.7.STABLE9-2 – getpwnam basic authentication helper
squid-mod-basic-auth-ncsa – 2.7.STABLE9-2 – NCSA basic authentication helper
squid-mod-basic-auth-smb – 2.7.STABLE9-2 – Samba basic authentication helper
squid-mod-cachemgr – 2.7.STABLE9-2 – Web based proxy manager and reporting tool
squid-mod-digest-auth-password – 2.7.STABLE9-2 – Password digest authentication helper
squid-mod-external-acl-ip-user – 2.7.STABLE9-2 – IP user external ACL helper
squid-mod-external-acl-unix-group – 2.7.STABLE9-2 – Unix group external ACL helper
squid-mod-ntlm-auth-fakeauth – 2.7.STABLE9-2 – Fakeauth NTLM authentication helper
squid-mod-ntlm-auth-smb-auth – 2.7.STABLE9-2 – Samba NTLM authentication helper
Para autenticação básica eu recomento o módulo ncsa, basta criar um arquivo com o comando htpasswd no seu Linux e copiar para o seu roteador com SSH e apontá-lo no Squid como nas linhas comentadas do arquivo squid.conf que está mais abaixo, para autenticação no Samba(AD) use o smb.
O Squid tem um arquivo de configuração todo comentado já pronto, mas estou disponibilizando abaixo um arquivo de configuração básico, sem blacklist nem controle de downloads. Para colocar autenticação, controle de páginas e de arquivos, veja os vídeos sobre Squid que postei em uma série de artigos aqui mesmo no Portal.
Para o Squid funcionar corretamente tive que modificar o caminho padrão que vem no arquivo, o diretório de cache (/var/cache) passou a ser /opt/var/cache (que é onde nosso HD externo está montado), o diretório do executáveis do squid (/usr/lib/squid) passou a ser /opt/usr/lib/squid e o diretório de logs (/var/logs) passou a ser /opt/var/logs, assim o squid instalado no HD externo funcionou corretamente.
Agora vamos criar nossos diretório com as permissões necessárias:
root@router root $ mkdir -m 777 /opt/var/cache
root@router root $ mkdir -m 777 /opt/var/logs
Veja abaixo o arquivo de configuração do Squid:
# Parametros de Autenticacao
#auth_param basic program /opt/usr/lib/squid/ncsa_auth /etc/squid/senhas
#auth_param basic children 5
#auth_param basic realm Squid proxy-caching web server
#auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hours
#auth_param basic casesensitive off
# ACL Padrao
acl all src all
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst
acl SSL_ports port 443
acl Safe_ports port 80 # http
acl Safe_ports port 21 # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443 # https
acl Safe_ports port 70 # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 # unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http
# Minhas ACL
acl localnet src
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access allow localnet
http_access deny all
icp_access allow localnet
icp_access deny all
# Porta do Proxy
http_port 3128 transparent
hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
cache_mem 1024 KB
maximum_object_size_in_memory 8 KB
memory_replacement_policy lru
cache_replacement_policy lru
cache_dir ufs /opt/var/cache 30000 16 256
maximum_object_size 64 MB
cache_swap_low 90
cache_swap_high 95
cache_store_log /opt/var/logs/store.log
access_log /opt/var/logs/access.log squid
cache_log /opt/var/logs/cache.log
refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440
refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|?) 0 0% 0
refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320
acl shoutcast rep_header X-HTTP09-First-Line ^ICY.[0-9]
mime_table /opt/etc/squid/mime.conf
upgrade_http0.9 deny shoutcast
acl apache rep_header Server ^Apache
broken_vary_encoding allow apache
error_directory /opt/usr/share/squid/errors/English
coredump_dir /opt/var/cache
pid_filename /opt/var/logs/
logfile_daemon /opt/usr/lib/squid/logfile-daemon
diskd_program /opt/usr/lib/squid/diskd-daemon
unlinkd_program /opt/usr/lib/squid/unlinkd
pinger_program /opt/usr/lib/squid/pinger
icon_directory /opt/usr/share/squid/icons
Como podem ver os diretórios foram apontados para o /opt, basta agora entrar no diretório do Squid, renomear o arquivo padrão e criar o nosso com o nome squid.conf:
root@router root $ cd /opt/etc/squid
root@router squid $ mv squid.conf squid.conf.old
root@router root $ vi squid.conf
Após criar o arquivo com a configuração acima, vamos fazer o Squid criar os diretórios do seu cache:
root@router root $ squid -f squid.conf -z
Para testar vamos executar:
root@router root $ squid -f squid.conf -D -C
Se tudo funcionar, veremos a porta 3128 aberta com o comando netstat -nat.
Vamos agora criar nosso script de inicialização para caso o roteador reinicie o Squid inicie junto (algumas vezes o squid não iniciou junto com o roteador, tive de logar no roteador e executar o script manualmente):
root@router root $ vi /opt/etc/init.d/squid
# Fecha o Squid e remove a regra do IPTABLES
kill -9 $(pidof squid)
/usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -p tcp -s ! -d –dport 80 -j REDIRECT –to-ports 3128
# Inicia o Squid e faz a regra de redirecionamento para o Proxy Transparente.
/opt/usr/sbin/squid -f /opt/etc/squid/squid.conf -C -D
/usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -s ! -d –dport 80 -j REDIRECT –to-ports 3128
OBS: as variáveis dport e to-ports vem com 2(dois) sinais de – (menos na frente) : –dport –to-ports, mas alguns browsers ao visualizar o wordpress costumam mudar isso para apenas um sinal de – .
Basta agora usar o Browser em qualquer site e se quiser pode monitorar no log do roteador:
root@router root $ tail -f /opt/var/logs/access.log
Espero que seu roteador seja seu novo FTP, cliente de Torrent, seu compartilhamento de Rede, seu Controle e Cache de Internet, e quem sabe futuramente(estou procurando saber mais) seu Print Server.
Não esqueçam de comentar, de divulgar e de assinar o nosso Portal.
Muito bom Wagner, parabéns.
Poxa, você falou tudo que precisava.
Muito bom, recomendado.
Hi… thank you for your great tutorials on ddwet… (i allways read them using google.translate)
i followed every step of your tutorials and so far all works great… just in this tutorial i allways get some weird error message what i dont understant…
when i try to update my squid config file it says….
root@DD-WRT:/opt/etc/squid# squid -f squid.conf -z
squid: symbol ‘errno’: can’t handle reloc type 0x2f
i also cant find any solution on google…
would be nice if you could help me out…
You change the variables in squid.conf to the correct path?
This error likes mistakes in squid.conf file, or error in map cache location.
Wow you answer very fast…
yes i just copy and paste your config file from above…
thanks for your help
root@DD-WRT:/opt/etc/squid# squid -f squid.conf -z -v
-v to verbose
and send me the information, and i try catch the error, maybe it resolve the problem.
Hi again
i tested root@DD-WRT:/opt/etc/squid# squid -f squid.conf -z -v and it gave me the same error (no output)
so i decided to start over and install an new firmware and followed your tutorial again now i got rid of this “squid: symbol ‘errno’: can’t handle reloc type 0x2f” error.
but now i got another error what i cant figure out whats the problem
root@DD-WRT squid $ squid -f squid.conf -z
2011/10/29 22:31:33| squid.conf line 54: refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|?) 0 0% 0
2011/10/29 22:31:33| parse_refreshpattern: Invalid regular expression ‘(/cgi-bin/|?)’: Invalid preceding regular expression
Segmentation fault
root@DD-WRT squid $
thanks again for your help….
greetings from Europe
Small update… now i only get an segmentation_fault error…
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl all src
acl intern dst
acl FTP proto FTP
always_direct allow FTP
cache_effective_user nobody
cache_mgr bigbrother@unslung_squid
visible_hostname ddwrt
#cache_replacement_policy heap LFUDA duno why dont work with 2.6
#memory_replacement_policy LFUDA same
ipcache_size 2048
cache_effective_user nobody
cache_mgr bigbrother@unslung_squid
visible_hostname ddwrt
#cache_replacement_policy heap LFUDA duno why dont work with 2.6
#memory_replacement_policy LFUDA same
ipcache_size 2048
cache_effective_user nobody
cache_mgr bigbrother@unslung_squid
visible_hostname ddwrt
#cache_replacement_policy heap LFUDA duno why dont work with 2.6
#memory_replacement_policy LFUDA same
ipcache_size 2048
cache_swap_low 90
cache_swap_high 95
maximum_object_size_in_memory 100 KB
#If you have 64/8MB Router you can use 16MB cache_mem if smaler router use 8MB
cache_mem 16 MB
#this is cachedir you can change if you want. 400 meams 400MB cache. size you can change what y
cache_dir ufs /opt/etc/squid/cache 400 16 256
#Logs you can change dir what you want
cache_access_log /opt/etc/squid/logs/access.log
cache_log /opt/etc/squid/logs/debug
cache_store_log /opt/etc/squid/logs/storage
hierarchy_stoplist on
#Proxy Ip same as ddwrt RuterIp. change how you want
http_port transparent
# Global ACL-Definitions (Access control lists)
acl idents ident REQUIRED
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl all src
acl intern dst
acl FTP proto FTP
always_direct allow FTP
#Allowed working outgoing Ports and LanIps
acl Allowed_Ports port 80 99 443 21 563 488 777 210 1025-65535
acl yourLAN src
i use now this configuration file
root@DD-WRT squid $ squid -f squid.conf -z
Segmentation fault
2011/10/30 16:44:49| wccp2_add_service_list: added service id 0
2011/10/30 16:44:49| parse_line: dns_testnames
Segmentation fault
i did an squid -X and thats the result….
root@DD-WRT root $ squid -f squid.conf -z -v
Squid Cache: Version 2.7.STABLE9
configure options: ‘–target=mips-openwrt-linux’ ‘–host=mips-openwrt-linux’ ‘–build=x86_64-linux-gnu’ ‘–program-prefix=’ ‘–program-suffix=’ ‘–prefix=/usr’ ‘–exec-prefix=/usr’ ‘–bindir=/usr/bin’ ‘–sbindir=/usr/sbin’ ‘–libexecdir=/usr/lib’ ‘–sysconfdir=/etc’ ‘–datadir=/usr/share’ ‘–localstatedir=/var’ ‘–mandir=/usr/man’ ‘–infodir=/usr/info’ ‘–disable-nls’ ‘–datadir=/usr/share/squid’ ‘–libexecdir=/usr/lib/squid’ ‘–sysconfdir=/etc/squid’ ‘–enable-shared’ ‘–enable-static’ ‘–enable-x-accelerator-vary’ ‘–with-pthreads’ ‘–with-dl’ ‘–enable-kill-parent-hack’ ‘–enable-arp-acl’ ‘–enable-ssl’ ‘–enable-htcp’ ‘–enable-err-languages=English’ ‘–enable-default-err-language=English’ ‘–enable-linux-netfilter’ ‘–enable-icmp’ ‘–enable-external-acl-helpers=’ ‘–enable-underscores’ ‘–enable-cache-digests’ ‘–enable-referer-log’ ‘–enable-delay-pools’ ‘–enable-useragent-log’ ‘–with-openssl=/home/openwrt/backfire/build/ar71xx/staging_dir/target-mips_r2_uClibc-’ ‘–enable-auth=basic digest ntlm’ ‘–enable-basic-auth-helpers=getpwnam NCSA SMB’ ‘–enable-ntlm-auth-helpers=fakeauth SMB’ ‘–enable-digest-auth-helpers=password’ ‘–enable-external-acl-helpers=ip_user unix_group’ ‘–enable-epoll’ ‘–with-maxfd=4096’ ‘build_alias=x86_64-linux-gnu’ ‘host_alias=mips-openwrt-linux’ ‘target_alias=mips-openwrt-linux’ ‘CC=mips-openwrt-linux-uclibc-gcc’ ‘CFLAGS=-Os -pipe -mips32r2 -mtune=mips32r2 -funit-at-a-time -fhonour-copts -msoft-float ‘ ‘LDFLAGS=-L/home/openwrt/backfire/build/ar71xx/staging_dir/target-mips_r2_uClibc- -L/home/openwrt/backfire/build/ar71xx/staging_dir/target-mips_r2_uClibc- -L/home/openwrt/backfire/build/ar71xx/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.3.3+cs_uClibc- -L/home/openwrt/backfire/build/ar71xx/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.3.3+cs_uClibc- ‘ ‘CPPFLAGS=-I/home/openwrt/backfire/build/ar71xx/staging_dir/target-mips_r2_uClibc- -I/home/openwrt/backfire/build/ar71xx/staging_dir/target-mips_r2_uClibc- -I/home/openwrt/backfire/build/ar71xx/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.3.3+cs_uClibc- -I/home/openwrt/backfire/build/ar71xx/staging_dir/toolchain-mips_r2_gcc-4.3.3+cs_uClibc- ‘
root@DD-WRT root $
muito bom valeu vagner
ótimo post vagner
Vagner, será que este nosso valente roteador aguentaria funcionar como um servidor de midia com, por exemplo, o miniDLNA? Que tal um novo post para esta série ensinando como instalar e configurar este serviço?
Engracado meu roteador mostra q o comando OPKG nao existe. Isso e normal?? O roter tem 32mb de ram ele aceita squid mesmo assim?
root@DD-WRT:~# opkg update
-sh: opkg: not found
Você fez o passo do artigo anterior? Era como instalar o opkg no sistema. Sim aceita squid desde que não se exagere no tamanho dos arquivos.
Seria possível atualizar esse artigo com roteador atual? Há ganho em jogos? Como atualizar texturas?
Boa noite. Infelizmente o Vagner Fonseca não faz mais parte do nosso quadro de escritores do Cooperati.
Olá, estou instalando fielmente de acordo com o seu tutorial, no entanto
o squid não roda, eu executo ele no modo DEBUG e não apresenta nenhuma falha, mas quando inicio ele simplesmente não aparece nos processos… quando dou o comando PS.
Poderia me ajudar ? segue o DEBUG
DD-WRT v24-sp2
BusyBox v1.13.4 (2010-08-07 06:53:22 CEST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter ‘help’ for a list of built-in commands.
root@DD-WRT:~# squid -X
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Memory pools are ‘off’; limit: 0.00 MB
1970/01/01 01:01:33| cachemgrRegister: registered mem
1970/01/01 01:01:33| cbdataInit
1970/01/01 01:01:33| cachemgrRegister: registered cbdata
1970/01/01 01:01:33| cachemgrRegister: registered events
1970/01/01 01:01:33| authSchemeAdd: adding basic
1970/01/01 01:01:33| authSchemeAdd: adding digest
1970/01/01 01:01:33| authSchemeAdd: adding ntlm
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: authenticate_cache_garbage_interval 1 hour
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: authenticate_ttl 1 hour
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: authenticate_ip_ttl 0 seconds
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: authenticate_ip_shortcircuit_ttl 0 seconds
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: ssl_unclean_shutdown off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: sslproxy_version 1
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: zph_mode off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: zph_local 0
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: zph_sibling 0
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: zph_parent 0
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: zph_option 136
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: dead_peer_timeout 10 seconds
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: cache_mem 8 MB
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: maximum_object_size_in_memory 8 KB
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: memory_replacement_policy lru
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: cache_replacement_policy lru
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: store_dir_select_algorithm least-load
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: max_open_disk_fds 0
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: minimum_object_size 0 KB
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: maximum_object_size 4096 KB
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: cache_swap_low 90
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: cache_swap_high 95
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: update_headers on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: logfile_daemon /usr/lib/squid/logfile-daemon
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: cache_log /var/logs/cache.log
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: cache_store_log /var/logs/store.log
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: logfile_rotate 10
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: emulate_httpd_log off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: log_ip_on_direct on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: mime_table /etc/squid/mime.conf
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: log_mime_hdrs off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: pid_filename /var/logs/
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: debug_options ALL,1
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: log_fqdn off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: client_netmask
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: strip_query_terms on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: buffered_logs off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: netdb_filename /var/logs/netdb.state
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: ftp_user Squid@
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: ftp_list_width 32
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: ftp_passive on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: ftp_sanitycheck on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: ftp_telnet_protocol on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: diskd_program /usr/lib/squid/diskd-daemon
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: unlinkd_program /usr/lib/squid/unlinkd
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: pinger_program /usr/lib/squid/pinger
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: storeurl_rewrite_children 5
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: storeurl_rewrite_concurrency 0
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: url_rewrite_children 5
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: url_rewrite_concurrency 0
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: url_rewrite_host_header on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: redirector_bypass off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: location_rewrite_children 5
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: location_rewrite_concurrency 0
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: max_stale 1 week
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: quick_abort_min 16 KB
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: quick_abort_max 16 KB
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: quick_abort_pct 95
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: read_ahead_gap 16 KB
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: negative_ttl 5 minutes
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: positive_dns_ttl 6 hours
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: negative_dns_ttl 1 minute
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: range_offset_limit 0 KB
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: minimum_expiry_time 60 seconds
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: store_avg_object_size 13 KB
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: store_objects_per_bucket 20
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: request_header_max_size 20 KB
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: reply_header_max_size 20 KB
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: request_body_max_size 0 KB
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: via on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: cache_vary on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: collapsed_forwarding off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: refresh_stale_hit 0 seconds
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: ie_refresh off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: vary_ignore_expire off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: request_entities off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: relaxed_header_parser on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: server_http11 off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: ignore_expect_100 off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: forward_timeout 4 minutes
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: connect_timeout 1 minute
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: peer_connect_timeout 30 seconds
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: read_timeout 15 minutes
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: request_timeout 5 minutes
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: persistent_request_timeout 2 minutes
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: client_lifetime 1 day
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: half_closed_clients on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: pconn_timeout 1 minute
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: ident_timeout 10 seconds
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: shutdown_lifetime 30 seconds
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: cache_mgr webmaster
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: mail_program mail
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: cache_effective_user nobody
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: httpd_suppress_version_string off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: umask 027
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: announce_period 0
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: announce_host
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: announce_port 3131
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: httpd_accel_no_pmtu_disc off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: delay_pools 0
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: delay_initial_bucket_level 50
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: wccp_router
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: wccp_version 4
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: wccp2_rebuild_wait on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: wccp2_forwarding_method 1
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: wccp2_return_method 1
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: wccp2_assignment_method 1
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: wccp2_weight 10000
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: wccp_address
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: wccp2_address
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: client_persistent_connections on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: server_persistent_connections on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: persistent_connection_after_error off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: detect_broken_pconn off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: digest_generation on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: digest_bits_per_entry 5
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: digest_rebuild_period 1 hour
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: digest_rewrite_period 1 hour
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: digest_swapout_chunk_size 4096 bytes
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: digest_rebuild_chunk_percentage 10
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: icp_port 3130
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: htcp_port 4827
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: log_icp_queries on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: udp_incoming_address
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: udp_outgoing_address
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: icp_hit_stale off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: minimum_direct_hops 4
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: minimum_direct_rtt 400
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: netdb_low 900
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: netdb_high 1000
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: netdb_ping_period 5 minutes
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: query_icmp off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: test_reachability off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: icp_query_timeout 0
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: maximum_icp_query_timeout 2000
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: minimum_icp_query_timeout 5
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: mcast_icp_query_timeout 2000
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: icon_directory /usr/share/squid/icons
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: global_internal_static on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: short_icon_urls off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: error_directory /usr/share/squid/errors/English
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: nonhierarchical_direct on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: prefer_direct off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: ignore_ims_on_miss off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: max_filedescriptors 0
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: tcp_recv_bufsize 0 bytes
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: incoming_rate 30
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: check_hostnames on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: allow_underscore on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: dns_retransmit_interval 5 seconds
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: dns_timeout 2 minutes
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: dns_defnames off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: hosts_file /etc/hosts
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: ignore_unknown_nameservers on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: ipcache_size 1024
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: ipcache_low 90
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: ipcache_high 95
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: fqdncache_size 1024
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: memory_pools on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: memory_pools_limit 5 MB
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: forwarded_for on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: client_db on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: reload_into_ims off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: maximum_single_addr_tries 1
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: retry_on_error off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: as_whois_server
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: offline_mode off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: uri_whitespace strip
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: balance_on_multiple_ip on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: pipeline_prefetch off
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: high_response_time_warning 0
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: high_page_fault_warning 0
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: high_memory_warning 0 KB
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: sleep_after_fork 0
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: zero_buffers on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: windows_ipaddrchangemonitor on
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Including Configuration File: /etc/squid/squid.conf (depth 0)
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘acl all src all’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: acl all src all
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL ‘all’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseIpData: all
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘acl manager proto cache_object’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: acl manager proto cache_object
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL ‘manager’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘acl localhost src’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: acl localhost src
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL ‘localhost’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseIpData:
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘acl to_localhost dst’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: acl to_localhost dst
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL ‘to_localhost’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseIpData:
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseIpData:
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘acl SSL_ports port 443’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: acl SSL_ports port 443
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL ‘SSL_ports’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘acl Safe_ports port 80 # http’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 80 # http
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL ‘Safe_ports’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘acl Safe_ports port 21 # ftp’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 21 # ftp
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclLine: Appending to ‘Safe_ports’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘acl Safe_ports port 443 # https’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 443 # https
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclLine: Appending to ‘Safe_ports’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘acl Safe_ports port 70 # gopher’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 70 # gopher
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclLine: Appending to ‘Safe_ports’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclLine: Appending to ‘Safe_ports’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 # unregistered ports’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 # unregistered ports
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclLine: Appending to ‘Safe_ports’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclLine: Appending to ‘Safe_ports’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclLine: Appending to ‘Safe_ports’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclLine: Appending to ‘Safe_ports’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclLine: Appending to ‘Safe_ports’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘acl CONNECT method CONNECT’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: acl CONNECT method CONNECT
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL ‘CONNECT’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘acl localnet src’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: acl localnet src
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL ‘localnet’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseIpData:
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘http_access allow manager localhost’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: http_access allow manager localhost
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclList: looking for ACL name ‘manager’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclList: looking for ACL name ‘localhost’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘http_access deny manager’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: http_access deny manager
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclList: looking for ACL name ‘manager’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘http_access deny !Safe_ports’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: http_access deny !Safe_ports
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclList: looking for ACL name ‘Safe_ports’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclList: looking for ACL name ‘CONNECT’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclList: looking for ACL name ‘SSL_ports’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘http_access allow localnet’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: http_access allow localnet
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclList: looking for ACL name ‘localnet’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘http_access deny all’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: http_access deny all
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclList: looking for ACL name ‘all’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘icp_access allow localnet’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: icp_access allow localnet
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclList: looking for ACL name ‘localnet’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘icp_access deny all’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: icp_access deny all
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclList: looking for ACL name ‘all’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘http_port 3128 transparent’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: http_port 3128 transparent
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘cache_mem 1024 KB’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: cache_mem 1024 KB
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘maximum_object_size_in_memory 8 KB’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: maximum_object_size_in_memory 8 KB
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘memory_replacement_policy lru’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: memory_replacement_policy lru
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘cache_replacement_policy lru’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: cache_replacement_policy lru
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘cache_dir ufs /opt/var/cache 30000 16 256’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: cache_dir ufs /opt/var/cache 30000 16 256
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘maximum_object_size 64 MB’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: maximum_object_size 64 MB
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘cache_swap_low 90’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: cache_swap_low 90
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘cache_swap_high 95’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: cache_swap_high 95
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘cache_store_log /opt/var/logs/store.log’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: cache_store_log /opt/var/logs/store.log
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘access_log /opt/var/logs/access.log squid’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: access_log /opt/var/logs/access.log squid
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Log definition name ‘squid’ file ‘/opt/var/logs/access.log’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘cache_log /opt/var/logs/cache.log’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: cache_log /opt/var/logs/cache.log
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘acl shoutcast rep_header X-HTTP09-First-Line ^ICY.[0-9]’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: acl shoutcast rep_header X-HTTP09-First-Line ^ICY.[0-9]
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL ‘shoutcast’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘mime_table /opt/etc/squid/mime.conf’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: mime_table /opt/etc/squid/mime.conf
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘upgrade_http0.9 deny shoutcast’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: upgrade_http0.9 deny shoutcast
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclList: looking for ACL name ‘shoutcast’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘acl apache rep_header Server ^Apache’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: acl apache rep_header Server ^Apache
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL ‘apache’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘broken_vary_encoding allow apache’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: broken_vary_encoding allow apache
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclList: looking for ACL name ‘apache’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘error_directory /opt/usr/share/squid/errors/English’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: error_directory /opt/usr/share/squid/errors/English
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘coredump_dir /opt/var/cache’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: coredump_dir /opt/var/cache
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘pid_filename /opt/var/logs/’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: pid_filename /opt/var/logs/
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘logfile_daemon /opt/usr/lib/squid/logfile-daemon’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: logfile_daemon /opt/usr/lib/squid/logfile-daemon
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘diskd_program /opt/usr/lib/squid/diskd-daemon’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: diskd_program /opt/usr/lib/squid/diskd-daemon
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘unlinkd_program /opt/usr/lib/squid/unlinkd’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: unlinkd_program /opt/usr/lib/squid/unlinkd
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘pinger_program /opt/usr/lib/squid/pinger’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: pinger_program /opt/usr/lib/squid/pinger
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘icon_directory /opt/usr/share/squid/icons’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: icon_directory /opt/usr/share/squid/icons
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Processing: ‘visible_hostname’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: visible_hostname
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: http_reply_access allow all
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclList: looking for ACL name ‘all’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: htcp_access deny all
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclList: looking for ACL name ‘all’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: htcp_clr_access deny all
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclList: looking for ACL name ‘all’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: ident_lookup_access deny all
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclList: looking for ACL name ‘all’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: reply_body_max_size 0 allow all
1970/01/01 01:01:33| aclParseAclList: looking for ACL name ‘all’
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: wccp2_service standard 0
1970/01/01 01:01:33| wccp2_add_service_list: added service id 0
1970/01/01 01:01:33| parse_line: dns_testnames
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Initialising SSL.
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Using SSLv2/SSLv3.
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Setting RSA key generation callback.
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Setting certificate verification callback.
1970/01/01 01:01:33| Setting CA certificate locations.
1970/01/01 01:01:33| cachemgrRegister: registered config