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Novos atalhos do Windows 7

Bom, esses atalhos são excelentes e quebram um galho. Vamos divulgar!

Coloquei em vermelho as sensacionais (para os preguiçosos que não gostam de ler posts grandes)

➤ Conheça nosso programa de assinatura: https://cursos.bernardes.com.br/bexpert-cooperati


Windows+up arrow
Maximizes the current window.
Windows+down arrow
Restores or minimizes the current window.
Windows+left arrow
Snaps the current window to the left half of your screen.
Windows+right arrow
Snaps the current window to the right half of your screen.
Windows+Shift+left arrow
Moves the current windows to the left screen when running dual monitors.

Windows+Shift+right arrow
Moves the current windows to the right screen when
running dual monitors.
Minimizes or restores all but the current window.
Focuses on the taskbar so you can then use the arrow keys and Enter to select an item.
Pressing this shortcut again will cycle through items.
Windows Key+Shift+T cycles backward.
Cycles through your open applications in 3D.
Cycles through your open applications in 2D.
Windows+spacebar (hold keys)
Peeks at the desktop.
Shows the desktop.
Minimizes the current windows.
Brings your gadgets to the top of your applications.
Shows presentation and external display options.
Opens the Ease Of Access Center.
Opens the Mobility Center, enabling quick access to features like WiFi.
Windows+[a number key 1–5]
Starts the program from the taskbar that corresponds to that number key.
For example, pressing I+1 starts the first application on the taskbar.
Zooms in.

Zooms out.
Locks your PC back to the logon screen.
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